
What do your dreams means? Maybe we can uncover them as God Talks to us.
Acts 2:17 "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."
New International Version 1984)

Hello Chaplain Celia, I would like to share a dream that I had last night. I cannot remember it all, but I was in the hospital and the doctor was saying it was my heart that needed to be healed. Somehow I ended up at my mothers house in my old bedroom and my husband was laying next to me. I told him that the doctor said my period should come in a week, and I went to the bathroom and it did come. Then I remember holding a yellow sheet of paper out and thinking of my husband and mentoring


  1. Hi Anonymous:
    God is in the process of healing your spirit of maternal issues and teaching you new ways to relate to your husband in your marriage relationship. Your marriage is covered in the blood of Jesus and His Word is fathful and will come true in your marriage. His anointing will also cover your husband if/when he mentors youth.

  2. Thanks you, that helps alot

  3. Dear Chaplain,

    I dreamed that I was having an operation, but I did not know what for. The came in a placed the transfer cart (to take me in for the operation at the opposite end of the my hospital bed. When I got to a certain room, Jesus (whom had red-orange hair) was picking at his face in a mirror. He was fizing it, as he was in the mirror, I stoode behind him and said, "am i healed or not" the nest thing I know, I was at home laying in the bed and my good friend was trying to make me drink from her breast. As always thanks for your time, and allowing the Lord to use you to interpret our gifts.

    1. Hi Beloved:

      I believe the Lord is telling you, you are healed by the blood and anointing of God. He is leading you and maturing you. You are to reflect Jesus by example in your life. You are old enough in the Lord to not need to be fed milk, but can eat solid food. You know the elementary principles of salvation. Check out the Revelation page where I will post a revelation I had about this some time ago. God bless you and keep you.
