
Revelations I Received as God Talked to Me
ICorinthians 14:6b "how shall I benefit you unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching." (ASV ©1974) 

John 21:6    He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

     I was talking to some friends this week about the story when the fisherman had been fishing all day, but they had not caught anything.  Jesus told them to throw their nets over the right side of the boat and they would catch some fish.  When the fishermen did as Jesus suggested, their haul of fish was so great that they could not even pull in all those fish because the nets were overflowing with fish.  The nets were too heavy.  
     After meditating on this scripture all week I finally heard the Holy Spirit say, “Why would Jesus have those fisherman catch so many fish?” I thought they didn’t have freezers to keep them from spoiling. He said, “If they are imitators of me what would they do with all those fish?” Finally, I got it. Oh, Jesus blessed them with all those fish in order that they might bless everyone else with some food, too. Overflowing blessings are not just for us. They are too heavy to bear if we don’t share them with others. 

Call Me Celiarella

Cinderella was running around working, working, trying to get things done. She was trying to do what other people told her to do; what others thought she should do. All the while the Prince was running around trying to find the woman who that glass slipper. He was saying Madam, "Please try this slipper on." Over and over to many women. He even tried to get Cinderella to try the glass slipper on, but she was so busy she almost missed her destiny. It wasn't until she stopped, STOPPED to place her foot in that glass slipper that her life instantly changed, because she had stepped into her destiny. It was her shoe all along. She didn't stop to say , OH, I have to do my hair or lotion my legs. No, because after she slipped her foot in her destiny she never had to worry about lotioning her legs, someone did that for her. She never had to worry about doing her hair, someone did that for her. Amen. Her life changed instantly.

We often spend our time doing what other think we should do. We persevere, we go along to get along, we strive and often are disappointed when things don't work out the way we thought they should. It's not until we walk in our destiny and stop trying to put on someonelse's shoes that we experience life changing circumstances. Praise God. Just call me Celiarella, :). I don't want to walk in anyone else's shoes. I can't. I can't fulfill their destinies. God created ME, YOU for a purpose. It's only in fulfilling that destiny that MY, YOUR life changing events can take place. Amen. Praise God, I stay in my lane. If others don't recognize it then they are not the princes with my slippers, Amen. God only send the prince with my slipper. You have to believe God. A word fitly spoken in due season... How sweet it is. I praise God for sending His Word to me to share with those He sends my way. Those men, women, boys and girls are blessed and they truly bless me.

No one else could fit that slipper. No one else can fill your purpose for living. No one else can minister, sing, sew, cook, etc. like you. No one else is you. That slipper was created, crafted right on Cinderella's foot, just as your purpose was for you while you were in your mother's womb, before the foundation of the world, Amen. Be encouraged.

I appreciate they fact that the imperfections on my feet were covered and embraced by that glass slipper (God's Anointing). Those imperfections on my feet did not deter God from placing the shoes, my shoes on my feet. He didn't care. He said, Girl, put this shoe on and walk with me and let me bless you so you can bless others. As Queen I have all of HIS Power and Authority, Amen and so do you, In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen.

I love you!!!

Retrofit Me Lord for YOUR PURPOSES
After being born again for awhile some Christians say I wish I could get back to the way I was when I first got saved. Others say I'm praying God help me get back where I was. I believe we should always be looking forward, if not moving f...orward. I believe anything alive grows. I don't think it's so much as getting back as it is retrofitting. I like the idea of God taking what I have (me being the vehicle doing His will) and retrofitting it to be empowered to do His will with Dunamus (supernatural HOLY Ghost power!!!) like a batmobile. He takes my naturalness, my ordinary life and infuses, transforms me into a powerful, power filled, anointed daughter belonging to and commissioned by him. Amen. Maybe we don't need to be made over again. Maybe we just need to be retrofitted with the tools, gifts, drive, focus, dedication, etc. to do God's Will, Amen. Blessings!!!

The Buck Stops With The Fruit
Anytime someone (anyone) tells you it’s women’s fault we are in this mess (sinful world) or women are weak and caused Adam to sin don’t believe them.  It’s time (those) people face the truth and stop passing the buck.  Take time to pray before you read your Bible, asking God to reveal Himself to you.  Study to show yourself approved, don’t just believe everything someone tell you, even me.
The scripture below shows God gave the instructions about the Tree of Knowledge DIRECTLY TO ADAM. That’s first.
Genesis 2:14-17 Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.  And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you  may freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. NKJV: The Holy Bible (The Open Bible) Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1982.
Next, scripture shows that Eve ate the fruit.  She gave it to Adam.  Adam ate. What?? Wait!!! Let me read it again.
Genesis 3:6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate.  She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. NKJV: The Holy Bible (The Open Bible) Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1982.
Do you see where Eve had a gun to Adam’s head and pushed the fruit in his mouth, grabbed his jaw and made him chew, held his nose and made him swallow?  Did you read that in Genesis 3:6? Wait!!! Did you read where Eve held a gun to Adam’s neck threatening to kill him unless he ate?  What?  I didn’t either.  It is really time for folks to stop passing the buck and let Adam take responsibility for his part in their sin, Amen.  Eve handed him the fruit. Adam chose to EAT IT!!!  If you give me a grenade with the pin in it you can believe I am not going to take the pin out. I’m going to call the FBI, police and anyone else to come help me, if I couldn’t persuade you to get that thing away from me.  But in my scenario I did take it from you (allow you to put it in my hand) just as Adam took the fruit from Eve.  Adam could have taken the fruit and called God, but he didn’t.
 You might hear it preached with the blame placed on Eve in church. They both chose to eat; they both chose to disobey God. Did you read it any differently? When we sin it is our individual sin.  Isn’t  it time to stop passing the buck and blaming others?  The good news is God knew we would sin so He sent His only Son to die for, cover, and atone for our sin, Amen. Yes, I know I wrote sin and not sins.  We’ll discuss that point later, Amen.

Copyrighted (c) 2012 

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